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Supreme Court Strikes Down Bicycle Ban

Updated: Feb 27, 2022

This afternoon, the Supreme Court struck down President Charizard's bicycle ban.

Chief Justice Pikachu delivered the decision, stating "Pi pika chu, pika pi pika chu. Pi pika tcha pika pi chu. Pika ka pi chu pikachu pika pi pi tcha. Chu chu pika pi chu tcha pika pi pi. Pika! Pika! Pik pikachu. Tcha." In summary, Justice Pikachu says that the ban was indeed an idea, but not one that was consistent with Kanto law.

Justice Magmar dissented, arguing that it isn't the place of the Supreme Court to render judgment on the decisions of the president.

Justice Magmar has a close friendship with President Charizard.

Justice Raichu interrupted the dissent, stating the purpose of the Supreme Court is to prevent the nonsense of an immature executive branch. Justice Magmar smoldered at the remark and interruption.

Justice Raichu is known as the bad boy of the Supreme Court.

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